Friday, February 15, 2008


Here's 2 tags put together. It's kind of long, by the end i'm thinking TMI!

How long have you been together? Married almost 6 months, together for 11 years! Marriage has definitely changed us for the better.

How long did you date? 11 years. We grew up together so we definitely got to know each other well.

How old is he? 27 or that’s what I’m suppose to say!

Who eats more? He does. He eats enough to feed an entire family, and has only gained 3lbs since high school!

Who said "I love you" first? He did, it was pretty sweet.

Who is taller? He's taller.

Who is smarter? He is. He's so smart!

Who does the laundry? We both do our own. I’ve lost too many favorite sweaters when he tries to do mine, and I’ve washed his wallet one too many times. So we started doing our own. That way if a sweater shrinks it’s my fault and if he washes his wallet it’s his fault!

Who does the dishes? Both of us. He’s really great about helping out in the kitchen.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you ask him I sleep on both sides of the bed!

Who pays the bills? We just started doing this together. Sharing the finances has been something new since we got married.

Who mows the lawn? That was always a battle for us. We’d fight about it every week, we have such a huge yard, and there’s always doggie presents that need to be picked up. So now we hire someone!

Who cooks dinner? Usually we do it together. James is a fantastic cook, thanks to my mother-in-law.

Who is more stubborn? Honestly we are both very stubborn.

Who kissed who first? He did, it took forever. I was starting to think I had entered the “friend” zone!.

Who asked who out first? He asked me first, it wasn't anything special like Sybrina's story. I was standing by my friends locker and he asked me to go to a movie with him.

Who proposed? He did last year on Valentine’s Day. It feels like a lot longer than that. We've done so many things since then!

Who is more sensitive? Me- definitely!

Who has more friends? Since we met in high school we have the same friends. It's been really fun to have the same friends.

Who has more siblings? Me. I have four kids in my family and he has 3.

What time did you get up this morning? 5:27 a.m. I know it's pretty early!

Diamonds or pearls? Can't a girl have both?

Last movie you saw in the theater? I went and saw Atonement with my sis-in-law and my neice. Terrible movie, so sad. I hate seeing movies where you feel bad leaving the theatre.

What is your favorite TV show? The Office, I'm so glad the writer's strike is over!!

What do you usually have for breakfast? coffee and hard boiled egg whites.

What is your middle name? Angela

What food do you dislike? I think I like it all

What is your favorite CD at the moment? I don't buy cd's anymore. I love itunes. I just bought some old stuff by Poe.

What kind of car do you drive? Toyota 4runner, love my car!

Favorite sandwich? smoked turkey with avacado

Favorite item of clothing? my new wetsuit, I make that thing look good!

If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Australia, I have a friend there now and it looks amazing!

What color is your bathroom? which one, the one I use is grey, black and white, very classy!

Favorite brand of clothing? I like a lot of different things, there's so many options here!

Where would you retire? Here, it's perfect weather all year

Most memorable birthday? 16, it was an amazing birthday

Favorite sport to watch? I love baseball in person, basketball on tv, and I'm trying to get used to football.

Favorite saying? "If you've done one thing, you've done something." It's a line from a commercial, it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard but now we say it all the time.

When is your birthday? I'll be 29 on the 29th! And for the record it's my last birthday!

Are you a morning person or a night person? I'm a Day person!

What is your shoe size? ususally a 6.5

Pets?Yes I love my labs, if I didn't have them I'd probably want a baby.

What is your favorite candy? I don't like candy, but i do love dorito's

Your favorite flower? Gerbera Daisy's

What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Any day that I don't have to work

What are you listening to right now? my ipod

What was the last thing you ate? hard boiled egg whites

Do you wish on stars? absolutely!

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green

What is your pet peeve? when people don't use their blinkers!

Last person you spoke to on the phone? probably Amber

Favorite soft drink? dr. pepper

Favorite restaurant? I don't know, there are sooo many here, tons that we haven't even tried yet!

Hair Color? Blonde and it's staying that way, after hearing Lara's story I'll never dye my hair!

Favorite day of the year? 4th of July

What was your favorite toy as a child? barbies, cabbage patch dolls, etc. I was very girly.

Summer or winter? summer - that's why we moved to San Diego!

Hugs or kisses? hug

Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate, vanilla is so boring

When was the last time you cried? leaving boise

What is under your bed? nothing.

Who is the friend you've had the longest? Rachelle, we met in first grade! We definitely had our ups and downs growing up but I do love her and her cute family.

What did you do last night? It was Valentine's Day, so we went out to dinner and then relaxed at home.

Favorite smell? Plumeria

What are you afraid of? lions and tigers and bears oh my!

How many keys on your key ring? 1

How many years at your current job? 2 months

Favorite day of the week? friday, saturday and sunday

Do you make friends easily? we'll see, I haven't had to make new friends since I was 7!

Wow that's a lot of stuff! If you read all of that then it's your turn to share!!


Lisa-Marie said...

NO WAY. Definitely NOT TMI. That was so fun to read!!!!

Lara said...

Dawn, I'm so glad someone learned something through my purple hair story! This was so much fun to read! Next time I'm in SoCal, we'll have to get together.

NT Weekes Family said...

I got this sent to me in an e-mail from another friend of mine... Once is enough for me! :o) Although it was really FUN to read!
Thanks Dawn.
i can't remember what grade we were in together? was it 2nd? Mrs. Sheild's?? I'm going to have to look through my "old" pictures! I think Rachelle, you & I were all in a grade toghether... AAhhhh memories! Maybe I'll post it when I find it... beware! :o)
~ Nickelle